La mobilità a Freigericht in Germania per il progetto Erasmus+ Fostering Global Citizenship 

di Sofia Pisanelli (4D)

Prima di partire non avrei mai immaginato la realtà che mi avrebbe calorosamente accolta al mio arrivo in un paese tanto simile quanto diverso dalla mia Italia.

Non è facile per noi uscire dalla nostra “comfort zone”, fare qualcosa di diverso dal solito,  stare lontano dalla nostra famiglia, dalle nostre comodità e dai nostri amici calandoci improvvisamente in una nuova dimensione fatta di persone,  tradizioni, luoghi nuovi e diversi.

Sono partita alla volta dell’ignoto,  in compagnia di persone che non avevo mai visto prima; ma è proprio questo calarsi totalmente al di fuori del mio “habitat” che mi ha permesso di scoprire aspetti della realtà che non avrei mai immaginato.

Infatti per quanto la Germania sia un paese molto vicino all’Italia, le nostre culture sono differenti, e anche per questo ero entusiasta di iniziare questa mia nuova avventura.

I nostri bagagli erano pieni di energia positiva, voglia di ascoltare e di raccontare, di imparare e di scoprirsi e di aprirsi alle nuove culture che avremmo incontrato a Freigericht. E ancora, bellezze naturali e strepitosi panorami, chiese e monumenti antichi, edifici moderni, e gastronomia. Freigericht non è solo questo ma molto, molto di più. Freigericht è accoglienza, ospitalità, inclusione e convivenza di culture che si intersecano e si rispettano, si bilanciano tra loro creando gioco magico fatto di equilibri e armonie!

In questa settimana, io, Marco, Cristiano, Letizia, Chiara e Andrea ci siamo immersi in tematiche quali: l’immigrazione e l’inclusione ma soprattutto le differenze di genere.

Come cittadini attivi della società abbiamo discusso e rimuginato a lungo su questi temi insieme agli altri ragazzi, abbiamo cercato risposte alle nostre domande, ci siamo confrontati con le altre civiltà, abbiamo indagato sulle loro culture e prima di tutto anche sulla nostra.

Come fanno i paesi europei a combattere il razzismo, i pregiudizi nei confronti dei migranti, dei rifugiati e delle lavoratrici donne? Cosa fa l’Italia per aiutare i “deboli della società”? Come possiamo noi in primis aiutare il prossimo per favorire lo sviluppo della nostra società?

Trattando queste tematiche, abbiamo prospettato varie domande nel contesto dei dibattiti con compagni/e della scuola tedesca, spagnola, svedese e olandese partner del progetto, cercando di aprire dei dibattiti con altre persone e innanzitutto con altre culture e società molto diverse dalla nostra.

Credo che questa esperienza sia stata in grado di trasformarci, mettere in dubbio per poi regalarci un’apertura mentale sempre maggiore e un amore sempre più grande per la conoscenza, la convivenza e solidarietà.

I giorni in Germania

Day 1 (18-09-2023)

My first day in Germany started at 6.30 a.m.
After getting dressed and having breakfast, me and Marius went to school with his mother; we went straight to a huge classroom where we all got a happy welcome to the KSF from the host teachers and the students. 
Divided into international groups we had to discuss multiple subjects such as gender equality, the differences between girls’ toys and boys’ toys, consent when touching someone, and movies. Then, at 12.00  we had our first warm lunch at the school canteen and after that, we continued our training about gender roles in toys after reading an essay made by the Toy Museum of Hanau. 
At 2 p.m. our first day of school ended, making us spend free time with our hosts. Marius gave me a tour of his village and after that, we went to Emily’s house where I met with Andrea and Chiara, and their host sisters. 
We stood together till 9.30 p.m. when we came back home, had dinner with Marius’ family, and went to sleep.
That first day was good, I had a lot of fun at Emily’s, we sang together and chatted a lot, and my adventure in Germany started well. I even thought that if every day went like that I could have had the best exchange week ever.

Day 2 (19-09-2023)

At 5.45 a.m. I started my second day in Germany thanks to a rooster crowing near my window. I was excited about our trip to Hanau because my host parents told me a lot of beautiful things about this city. 
When we arrived at Hanau we went to the toy museum where we did an interesting activity about gender roles in toys. After Finishing this activity we went to the centre of the city by bus where we had our lunch in an Italian restaurant. After lunch, we went to the Wallonian-Dutch Church where we worked on modern-day immigration and integration till it was time to go home with our hosts.
When we arrived home, I and Marius decided to go for a walk in nature; and, to finish our day, Marius’ mother made us a delicious “hamburger cake”

Day 3 (20-09-2023)

At 6.30 I started my third day in Germany. I was excited that day because the program said we had to go to Frankfurt, one of the biggest cities I’ve ever been to. 
Marius and I went to school with Emily and then waited for the bus to arrive with the other students. We took the bus and after 1 hour we arrived in Frankfurt. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful building of the central bank. It was stunning and it reflected all the light of the sky.
The bus stopped near Paulskirche (St. Paul’s Church), where we worked in international groups on the history of the church, Germany as a nation-state, and the German Democracy Movement in the 19th century. Afterwards, we went to the city centre and we had our lunch break at Five Guys with Letizia, Andrea, Chiara, Mia, and Cristiano. In the afternoon we had 3 hours full of shopping where we bought a lot of things for us and our families. At 5 pm the bus went to pick us up and we returned to the school. 
Me and Marius went to his house, and we showered and then we went to Mia’s house, where we made a bonfire, sang, danced, and cooked marshmallows. At 10.30 pm Marius’ mum picked us up, we went back home and we went to bed.  

Day 4 (21-09-2023)

At 6.30 my fourth day in Germany started. 
I had breakfast with Marius and his mom and after that, his mom took us to school. 
At school, we had to work in international groups (commission stage) on legislation on sustainable immigration, integration, and gender equality. 
Me and Marius were in the commission dealing with immigration through the Italian and Spanish borders. 
Our project was one of the most difficult because it’s really difficult to deal with something that cannot be solved.
After lunch, we had the Parliament Stage of Law drafts and debates on two of the legislations made by other groups.
At 3 p.m. our school day ended and we had free time activities with our hosts. Me and Marius went home with his mother, and while Marius was practicing with his bass, I called my parents; At 5.30 p.m. Marius had to practice with his pop band and I went to Gelnhausen with him. At 7.00 p.m. Marius’s band ended their practice and we went back home, where we had dinner with his dad. Afterwards, Marius played his guitar and I went to my room and then I video chatted with my best friends. 

Day 5 (22-09-2023)

My last day in Germany started at 6.30 when I heard the rooster crowing for the last time that day. After breakfast, we went to school with Emily and her exchange student. At school, we had to continue the Council Stage of the other laws drafts and continuation of Parliament, and after a long debate we had a little break; our school day finished with the award ceremony where we took photos together. 
At lunch, I didn’t eat at the school canteen, because fortunately, Marius’ grandmother picked us up to make us eat at her house, where she made us a truly tasty lunch. 
Afterwards, we went back to Marius’ house, we relaxed a little bit, and then we went to Gelnhausen with Emily and her Spanish exchange student. In Gelnhausen we played bowling with the other Spanish girls and their hosts. After the bowling game, Marius and Emily took me and the Spanish girl around Gelnhausen. At 7.15 p.m. Marius’ mum picked us up, we then went back home where I had a shower before the other Italians with their hosts arrived at our house. 
We had a fun evening eating, chatting, and singing all together. At midnight. I started packing my luggage and then I went to sleep.

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